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Rights and Liberties… and Intellectual Property

I’m going to do a very brief dive into why I’m doing this blog, Rights and Liberties. Full transparency, it’s going to turn into my actual website that I use once I’m done with law school and become a fully licensed attorney. So, if you like the content that comes out from 2025-2029, I’ll keep in on the site, but at the end of the day – I’m trying to build a site full of extremely useful content to have a firm jumping off point when I start my own law firm.

What’s with the name “Rights and Liberties?”

On the following posts, I’m going to go over in depth what the difference between Rights and Liberties are and why they’re so core to the reasons why I’m pursuing this path to become an attorney. In short –

rights are entitlements that we have which are enforced by law or other social/ethical principles.

As an American, you’re born with certain rights. The right to vote, bear arms, be free of unreasonable searches and seizures, etc. On ethical principles, you can say you have the right to be treated a certain way. You may not have any governmental body protecting that right though.

James Madison, the Father of the Constitution

Liberty is the ability to “do” or “not do” without restriction.

You can publicly address your governmental representatives and list out ways that they’re failing at their jobs – without restriction. You have the liberty to make that speech. You have the liberty to walk down the street without being thrown into a cop car and taken to jail.

Rights are generally more structured and liberties are more abstract as they are the ability to do things without restriction. There is a lot of overlap and they cover the same idea a lot of the time. Example the right to free speech protects the liberty to express oneself without being restricted or censored.

The Strategy of the Site

It’s January of 2025 as I write this. Law school will be a 3 year program starting fall of 2025. I will graduate Spring of 2029. Ideally, I will pass the bar by the end of 2029. That gives me 4 years to learn, post, educate, relay the information as I learn it, keep you up-to-date, etc. I will use my paid education to translate that information over to the readers for free. I don’t want anything, just read my posts. This will help build this site as I end up gaining traction, subscribers, etc. Other sites will link to me, I’ll link to them. I should have a decent video archive by 2029 as well which will all link to this website.

When the time comes and I am a licensed attorney, I will be ready to start my own firm. I have start-up experience and over a decade of business management experience. Since Jan 2023, I have been running multiple businesses and working on start ups with two business owner partners. I’m very confident in my abilities to start a successful business. That being said, part of that is having a great website to attract clients to.

Rightsandliberties.com will turn into the site I attract clients to. I’ll keep the blog and news portion going, but the homepage will change to have a calendar booking widget, info about IP law, what we can do for you, etc. The SEO on my site as well as the backlinks will give it a great domain authority so I can organically attract clients instead of needing it to be 100% paid advertisements to get clients.

The goal is to use RightsAndLiberties.com to help people continually. While I’m not a lawyer, I will relay the education I’m getting. When I am, I’ll be able to provide actual legal services.

Why do I talk about Intellectual Property so much?

Intellectual Property is the type of law that I’ll be going into specifically. I thoroughly enjoy the topics of patents, trademark, and copyright. I’ve worked hand-in-hand with business owners for the past two years that are experiencing ruthless Chinese IP infringements. That’s an article for another day, but American business owners with their original ideas get completely overrun with knockoffs, counterfeits, and sometimes just fake listings using protected images to rack in sales with no plans of sending a product. It brutalizes small businesses.

Patent photo drafted up showing gears and drawings on old school parchment paper

I have a strong desire to become a bulwark between IP infringers and American business owners. My goal is for my name to be a problem in the manufacturing facilities when they see it on certified mail coming in. I will learn every single in and out possible to snuff out stealing of ideas. Original thought and creativity is essentially the only thing that every person has. No matter how you’re born, you have the right to original thought. Nobody can take that from you without permission.

So, I will be relaying many things back to IP because it’s the direction I want my keywords and vibe to go of this site. I also will have a heavy focus in constitutional law, civil rights, qualified immunity issues, civil asset forfeiture issues, and those in governmental power that abuse their roles.


This site is to build a strong center of knowledge and information as I learn it. Also, it will be about the latest news and how it relates to topics I learn or in the fields of law that interest me. Eventually, I will use this site as my future law firm landing page for client acquisition.

